Gods were created on the basis of human ignorance and imagination as it was thousands of years ago as it is today, over the centuries we've slowly and painfully gained knowledge
of the world around us through discoveries and scientific conclusions. The door of this knowledge has just begun to open, look how far and how much we've gained in just the last century
alone. I personally cherish the wisdom of the truth of knowledge and dealing with the reality of life as it presents itself, good or bad.. If anyone thinks that human ignorance was not prevalent
thousands of years ago, one really needs to do some in-deft history reading or read the bible, Torah, or any ancient religious manuscripts to prove my point. Mysticism is imagination
supported by ignorance in the human mind, this separates itself from reality and conclusion. Perhaps if men were to finally walk away from their gods and walk toward humanity together we
would be better off, I think so. I was brought up a JWS. and found it to be a very corrupt and deceiving religion which was full of coercion and apathy I eventually left it based on those
findings. But still if men are in a need for power and money I suppose the gods of organized religion will bring it to them, this is something that atheism can never do.